Prairie Women's Sewing Club
We make quilts for basic warmth on the bed in which we sleep, for family and friends, to mark special occasions, perhaps to raise money for a cause dear to our hearts, or for the pure joy of it. Like our quilting ancestors, we also come together, as women in kindred spirit, to sew and share, and tell of our lives giving support to one another.
You are invited to join a unique monthly club that will take you on a journey back in time. Gather together as the "Prairie Women" did, and hear anecdotal stories about their quilt making, and what daily life was like for those who traveled by wagon train on the Oregon Trail, to the lives of quilter’s during the Civil War, and the years of women’s suffrage for equal rights. Not only will you learn how our quilting ancestors created quilts by “Making-Do” with what they had, you will be invited to do so yourself!!!
At each monthly gathering of the Prairie Women’s Sewing Circle, you will receive a small reproduction quilt project pattern that will allow you the option to share in the unique “Make-Do” quilting experience with fellow club members. Monthly patterns and other surprises will be offered exclusively to PWSC club members only!
If you love quilt history, and want to learn more about what life was like in the nineteenth century and about “Make-do” quilts, join us in experiencing the Prairie Women’s Sewing Circle and …Journey the threads of time!
Thanks to Pam Buda for creating such a great opportunity for us to learn and socialize with fellow quilters.
Journey 1 begins January 2021 and will be offered online. We will be offering two times for the class. This is a once a month gathering for six months with only a one time fee. Kits will be available to purchase for each project.